Saturday, October 10, 2020
For our second annual homeless initiative, we continue to serve the housing insecure members of our community by providing resources for these people, many of whom are living a difficult situation. Held in autumn, we will once again be hosting a winter preparation drive, where we are collecting blankets, outerwear, clothing and toiletries that we are offering in our ‘free marketplace’. We also provide reusable bags and a drop-off for clothing that is heavily soiled/worn out and in need of environmentally responsible disposal. We are planning on expanding our services this year to include a veterinarian station and a nurse practitioner, as well as a barber.
Once more, we are offering hot and fresh vegan meals created by a talented chef with produce donated by local farmers. The event begins with a land blessing and meditation, with members of the first nations communities offering smudges throughout the day.
This initiatives goal is to empower and heal our displaced communities by providing a safe space to experience joy and abundance. We honour our brothers and sisters though these acts because we are ONE, and creating that bridge which demystifies the gap between our various communities helps to support the growth of every individual in attendance.